

$ 61892.55
시장 가치 $ 12,993.85 십억
24 시간 이득 -0.02%
네트워크 컴퓨팅 성능 572.75 EH/s
일일 출력 0.00000076 BTC / T
전체 네트워크의 절반 시간

퍼블릭 체인은 코인의 가치를 유지하기 위해 반감기를 가질 것입니다. 시장은 역사상 반감기 이후 급격히 상승했습니다.

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$ 18.043
시장 가치 $ 3.81 십억
24 시간 이득 0.00%
네트워크 컴퓨팅 성능 13.21 TH/s
일일 출력 0.21580310 DCR / G
전체 네트워크의 절반 시간

퍼블릭 체인은 코인의 가치를 유지하기 위해 반감기를 가질 것입니다. 시장은 역사상 반감기 이후 급격히 상승했습니다.

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$ 78.79
시장 가치 $ 66.21 십억
24 시간 이득 -0.03%
네트워크 컴퓨팅 성능 977.88 TH/s
일일 출력 0.00000364 LTC / M
전체 네트워크의 절반 시간

퍼블릭 체인은 코인의 가치를 유지하기 위해 반감기를 가질 것입니다. 시장은 역사상 반감기 이후 급격히 상승했습니다.

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$ 429.65
시장 가치 $ 90.23 십억
24 시간 이득 -0.03%
네트워크 컴퓨팅 성능 3.96 EH/s
일일 출력 0.00011392 BCH / T
전체 네트워크의 절반 시간

퍼블릭 체인은 코인의 가치를 유지하기 위해 반감기를 가질 것입니다. 시장은 역사상 반감기 이후 급격히 상승했습니다.

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$ 22.39
시장 가치 $ 4.70 십억
24 시간 이득 0.00%
네트워크 컴퓨팅 성능 7.55 GH/s
일일 출력 0.00036550 ZEC / K
전체 네트워크의 절반 시간

퍼블릭 체인은 코인의 가치를 유지하기 위해 반감기를 가질 것입니다. 시장은 역사상 반감기 이후 급격히 상승했습니다.

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$ 27.67
시장 가치 $ 5.24 십억
24 시간 이득 -0.04%
네트워크 컴퓨팅 성능 1.42 PH/s
일일 출력 0.00009422 DASH / G
전체 네트워크의 절반 시간

퍼블릭 체인은 코인의 가치를 유지하기 위해 반감기를 가질 것입니다. 시장은 역사상 반감기 이후 급격히 상승했습니다.

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$ 25.5901
시장 가치 $ 53.97 십억
24 시간 이득 -0.05%
네트워크 컴퓨팅 성능 169.49 TH/s
일일 출력 0.00009297 ETC / M
전체 네트워크의 절반 시간

퍼블릭 체인은 코인의 가치를 유지하기 위해 반감기를 가질 것입니다. 시장은 역사상 반감기 이후 급격히 상승했습니다.

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The end of Ethereum POW may be delayed again,Competition in the mining market is still intensifying

2021-08-28 15:01

On August 20th, Ethereum core developer Tim Beiko said in a review of the content of the development team conference call that the difficulty bomb in December may be postponed. This may be the fifth time the difficulty bomb has been postponed.

The difficulty bomb is a switch that causes the difficulty of mining to rise rapidly in Ethereum mining. Ethereum realizes the switch from PoW to PoS in the quiet phase, which will be handled through the newly introduced difficulty adjustment plan, which will smoothly guarantee the hard fork point in the next 16 months... After the difficulty bomb is opened, Ethereum needs approximately It takes a year to rise to a level of difficulty where it is almost impossible to mine a block.

The difficulty bomb has been activated four times in history, and has been delayed four times. The four delays occurred in the Byzantine upgrade, the Constantinople, the Muir Glacier, and the recently concluded London. If the difficulty bomb is launched in December, Ethereum must complete the merger in the first quarter of next year, which is a difficult task.

There are also many mining machine manufacturers and mining machines that are adding to the Ethereum mining business. According to the latest data from Bitinfochart, the total computing power of the Ethereum network reached 646.765 T on August 25, a record high. Recently, the price of graphics cards has risen again. In addition to the current supply being affected by the supply of chips, the rise in currency prices has increased mining revenue, which is beneficial to miners. But the plan has increased the demand for graphics cards, and ultimately caused the price of graphics cards to rise.

Compared with Bitcoin mining, the operating cost and energy consumption of Ethereum mining are relatively low, but the mining profit has always been higher than that of Bitcoin. Profit margins. Of course, if miners want to minimize the risk of participating in mining, they can choose to rent mining machines on rhy or use cloud computing power for mining, because the contract time can be selected. They can participate in Ethereum mining and obtain ETH without bearing the high cost of purchasing mining machines.

The most important thing is that if the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is successful, miners are more likely to keep ETH instead of immediately selling. As the market sell-off decreases, the price of ETH is bound to rise. Miners can not only recover costs through price increases, but also You can also continue to get more benefits by staking ETH in your hands; if the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade fails, miners can still continue mining on the original chain without being affected. Therefore, the safety mat for Ethereum mining is still relatively high, and considerable returns can still be obtained in the medium and long term.

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